Sunday 21 April 2013

The United States of Yoga

When we were asked to write something about our experience here in Rishikesh at Shiva Yoga Peeth, I first thought- is this possible? Is it possible to put into words, to express, to even fathom for myself the depth of gratitude I feel for, and the transformative nature of, my time here? 

But Swami Sudhir teaches us with his boyish smile and enthusiasm- "Yes! Try try!" And so I will.

Yoga means Union. Union with the self, with the body, the mind, with the mysterious forces of the universe, with each other, with the truth. To unite the duality we find ourselves in no easy task. But it is possible. And now I have begun to learn how! 

The course isn't over yet, but something magnificent is already happening to my mind, and my spirit. I am calm and bright. I am stronger, both physically and emotionally, than perhaps, ever in my life. And I am not trying to be hyperbolic, or dramatic or gushingly positive. The reality of the result of the work done here, is nothing less than profound. 

I rise early every morning, in this little mountain city of temples and tourists, and monkeys and cows. I cross the swaying bridge over the sacred mother Ganga, taking sweet, deep breaths of her purest air. Below, old sadhus are bathing and praying in the river, splashing the shining water over their heads, chanting. The wild Peacocks (the sacred bird of Krishna) make their penetrating crow, the wind whips my hair out behind me like a cape, the sun's rays peak over Himalayan foothills and I arrive to the sanctuary of the Shiva Yoga Peeth temple, where prayers, and ancient knowledge and a desire to serve seem to saturate the very walls. 

With not a sacred moment to lose, we begin a full day by chanting for peace, union and grace. We meditate to center the mind, and practice breathing exercises that get me higher than any drug I've ever tried and remove toxins and blocks I didn't even realize I had. We practice strange but effective cleansing techniques, which have the common cold disappearing in less than 24 hours. The asana practice moves and heals and stretches the body and mind in seen and unseen ways. I work hard, and sweat and smile on the mat, making my body twist into shapes I never imagined it could, and discovering strength I am still amazed exists within me. When we finally collapse with relief into Savasana, we have the opportunity to experience the heart-songs of Swami, which lull me into a deep state of relaxation, bliss, and thanks. The day is punctuated with hot herbal teas that soothe and comfort, and extremely delicious and nourishing sattvic food that make me wish I could bring the cook home. 

A wide spectrum of personalities from around the world find their paths meeting here, spending many hours for many weeks together, navigating a foreign and magical world. Some converge into life long friendships while others reflect our own triggers and stories reminding me that we are all each others' teachers...a microcosm of the world, that will change for the better even the most stubborn and resistant of us. 

We laugh and play too, marveling at the craziness of this country so full of life, and spirit, chaos and passion. Our comfort zones are stretched like our muscles, and I learn what I really need to be content--not much! Though there is plenty to keep us entertained-- we swim in the river, hike to waterfalls, pray at the pujas, and we visit haunted temples, quality shops, vegan cafes, astrologers, massage parlors, and tattoo artists-- ultimately, for me, its all just the cherry on top of the real dessert-- the revelation of my whole and complete nature. 

And now, I feel the quickening of my experience here, as the end of this course is rapidly appearing on the horizon. Soon I will be flying back around the world, to my family, friends and my western life of privilege, order, and ease. But I have been so changed by this place, and these people, that it will be as strange to leave as it was to arrive. And somehow, miraculously, my prayers for the growth of my compassionate and expansive heart, and for deeper immersion into the Truth, are being answered little by leaps. 

It will be some time before I can fully process the growth that has occurred within me since coming to India and to Shiva Yoga Peeth. But what I do know is that this experience feels like one of the most precious of my life, and like somehow, by the grace of God or the Guru or the Great Universe or just random luck, I slipped through some small window of opportunity that has brought me not to a conclusion but to the beginning of a path which will serve and awaken and unite the world, as much as it serves my self. 

I feel forever grateful to the great lineage of humble teachers, including Swami Sudhir, who have cherished this knowledge and preserved its sacredness with such grace, that it could one day arrive, untarnished in the hands of this spoiled, white girl from California, and I could be reunited with my true purpose which is quite laughably simple- to serve and to love. 


  1. First of all, I would love to be able to write like this! Unforced...and opening so much space between the words. Secondly, I admire the way you offer observation on the internal and external, the two together constituting human experience. Your introductory paragraph, related to duality, identifies perhaps the most insidious problem we face, that of fracture and distancing from ourselves and from each other (and the world). Thanks for caring enough to take the trouble to offer yourself, openly, candidly, insightfully, in this BLOG. T.K. Nosworthy

  2. Thanks for the ego boost, Mr. Nosworthy!

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